Friday, March 9, 2012

Day Two

Today's Results:
Ugh, my hair smells nasty, and it is frizzy and greasy and gross. Up in a braid it goes!

This is the Procedure I Will Use From Now On:
I looked at various websites and decided on the amount of stuff I am going to try the next time:

- 1 tbsp of baking soda mixed in one cup of warm or hot water (and probably doubled since I have such think hair). This mixture will be very liquidy and will be dumped over my whole head and then massaged, massaged, massaged through. I will let it sit about a minute, then rinse.

- 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup water (or I may make a big batch in a similar ratio of 1/3 cup apple cider vinegar to a liter of water). I will pour it all over my head and then massage it in, then rinse it out (or not, depending on what it is smelling like). I may or may not add the lavender (apparently I did it all wrong - you're supposed to add 2 drops to 1 cup of the vinegar and then use the tablespoon of that in your rinse!) Various websites say the rinse is not needed every time you wash, maybe once a week only. We'll see!

Here are the two websites that have been the most helpful:

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